Well hello there!
I guess the time has come to actually introduce myself to the internet world.
I'm Joelle, a music, book and photography fanatic and only just stepped out of the safe and secure system called high school. Now the time has come to somewhat "face the world" but I'd preferably call it "take life into my own hands".
And to do so I am taking a gap year. A year allowing myself to do and see things that I wasn't and in the future maybe even won't be able to do, to discover not only myself but also others, make friends and most importantly see the world. Doing all those things is great in its own way, however, I want to keep a hold of all these memories in a journal type of way. That is how the idea of some thoughts of now began. Whether it's simply writing down thoughts on how my travels in South America might be, photographs or posting a travel pack list, I'll jot down whatever floats my boat and maybe even catch your interest. It's not only for me to be able to look back to everything I went through but also for you to be a part of my adventures. The now, or my is what counts and on this blog will be accompanied with my ever so intelligent thoughts.
If you want to know even more about my humble self, click HERE and without further a do, I guess it's time to log myself out.
Talk to you soon,
Joelle x
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